Saturday, April 28, 2012

She's Back!

Hello again friends!

I know I fell off the blogosphere for a long time, but I'm still here and still trying to be green in all things. Where have I been? Well that's a long bit of a story, but here's the short version...

I moved to a new house last year. We're no longer on the island, but still in Western Washington. The move has been good so far. The location is great. Much closer to my family and granddaughter! Yay! But this move has been a big one. Not only did we move into a new house, but we have been working on the house, painting, flooring etc. In addition we have 2 outbuildings. A shop and a very large shed which have both required major renovations to suite our use.

Along with that big change I've learned in this last year that I have fibromayalgia or something similar (the docs aren't too positive). What that's meant for me is a lot of learning to deal with chronic pain, muscle spasms and general malaise. I'm on a vitamin D regiment which is helping a lot and I've become a medical marijuana patient which is helping tremendously. The plus side of my diagnosis is that I finally have a reason for all the feeling ill that I've been going thorough for several years and I can finally take a stand for myself instead of just feeling broken a lot of the time. On the negative side I've had to give up my loved practice of making Fat Bottom Bags. Crocheting with the recycled plastic is just too hard on me with the tension in my hands and too often my hands just don't work properly.

I've decided though to come back to my old blog here and keep finding and sharing ways for us to all green up our lives.

Soooooooooooo today let's talk gardening. My new garden is a major work in progress still, but I'm starting to see it getting established in this second year. I brought with me starts from all of my plants in my beloved island garden including my herbs. This is the time here in the Pacific NW to start pinching back your herbs to create fuller and bushier plants. Today I got out and did just that!

Now normally I just toss these pinched tops into the compost, but that just seemed wasteful and why should I wait until mid summer to start enjoying my organic garden fresh herbs? No way! Instead of tossing the tops into the compost bin, I tossed them into the dehydrator and a few hours later I've got myself a new batch of dried oregano, chives, nint and sage. Beautiful! Free! and GREEN! Woo hoo!

Go Green!

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